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  • Writer's pictureLynn Nestingen

Rucking 101: Your Guide to a Stronger You

1. Discovering Your Why: Before diving into rucking, it’s crucial to identify your motivation. Are you looking for a cost-effective workout, or perhaps something to get you outdoors more often? Understanding your “why” will fuel your journey, making each step more purposeful and tailored to meet your personal fitness goals.

2. Gathering Equipment: Rucking doesn’t call for fancy equipment. A durable backpack and weights (which could be anything from official ruck plates to simple household items like books or water bottles) are your basic necessities. Remember, comfort is key, so ensure your backpack fits well and the weights are securely placed to prevent any unnecessary strain.

3. Giving it a Try and Adjusting Your Weights: Start with a manageable weight. As a rule of thumb, beginners can start with 10% of their body weight. Pay attention to your body's signals, and don’t hesitate to adjust the weights in your pack as needed. Progress is a gradual climb; there’s no need to rush or push your body beyond its limits.

4. Envision a Stronger You: Visualization is a powerful tool. Picture yourself building endurance, strengthening muscles, and improving posture through rucking. Embrace the journey, allowing the mental image of a stronger, healthier you to propel you forward and keep you committed.

5. Crafting Your Rucking Plan: Having a structured plan enhances the rucking experience. Determine the days and times that best fit your schedule. Begin with shorter distances, gradually increasing as your endurance improves. Be mindful of the terrain, starting with flat surfaces and slowly introducing varied terrains as your strength and confidence grow.

6. Give it a Try: Armed with a plan, it’s time to hit the road. Remember, consistency is vital, but so is listening to your body. Allow yourself the flexibility to make necessary adjustments to your weights, distances, and frequency based on your body's feedback.

Indeed, rucking is more than just an outdoor activity. It's a holistic exercise that blends the simplicity of walking with the complexities of resistance training, promoting both physical and mental well-being.

So go ahead, give rucking a try, and embark on a journey to a stronger, more resilient you.

Happy Rucking,

Coach Lynn

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