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Welcome to Mindful Strength Training, where I'm on a mission to redefine fitness for women over 50! My name's Lynn and I'm your passionate guide on this journey, a 60-year-old certified personal trainer and health coach, based in the breathtaking landscapes of Colorado.

I'm a firm believer in the power of strength training to keep us steady, strong, and fully upright well into our golden years. My goal with this website is to introduce you to the incredible world of strength training and all the benefits it brings.

My journey in the world of strength training began after the loss of my husband of 27 years to what I call the beast, aka cancer! There's no escaping the profound grief I experience every day. While some mornings, I simply did not want to get out of bed, I knew in my heart that I needed to maintain my strength not only for myself but for my three children and someday their children (grandkids!)   Plus, who would take care of me if I couldn't carry the groceries or hang a picture on the wall?

I also used to be a marathon runner, having completed 19 full marathons, 2 ultra marathons, and countless half marathons. But as I age, I knew I needed to find a better way to gain strength and maintain my cardiovascular fitness.

Herein comes the world of strength training!

Now, I can go on walks with friends, lift weights in a routine,  ruck in the meadow, and row in my family room all in preparation to climb a 14er with more strength and vitality than ever before! I love the world of strength training because of its multitude of benefits, and I'm on a mission to inspire and empower women to embrace strength training for lifelong vitality.

I'm also here to support you on your journey with encouragement, strategies, and information, focusing on weight loss, building strength, confidence, and endurance. Let's keep up with our adult children and stay steady, strong, and fully upright until we're 100 - because at Mindful Strength Training, , we believe that age is just a number, and adventure knows no bounds.



Our mission is to empower and inspire women over 50 to experience, embrace, and enjoy the benefits of strength training for
overall health and total well-being.


A world where all women are strong, vibrant, and healthy throughout
their entire lives.

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